- 1040 Historical Complexity, 1935-2000
- AFDC Case Loads
- Private Ambulance Organizations
- American Generosity
- Appliance Ownership by Household Income
- Chicago Rental Prices
- Children in Poverty, 1966-1997
- Comparative Advantage Chart
- Cost Benefit Curve (Demonstration)
- Cost Per Life Saved by Federal Agency
- Risk per Activity
- Death Risk Trends by Decade, 1930-1990
- Drug Approval Time and Cost, 1950-1999
- Drug Lag Deaths by Drug
- Federal Register Pages, 1975-2000
- Federal Tax Rates, 1901-2001
- GDP and Civil Liberties, Intl Comparisons
- GDP and Economic Freedom, 8 countries
- GDP and Political Rights, Intl Comparisons
- GDP and Population Density
- Historic Oil Prices, 1870-1890-1911
- Regulatory Cost on Households
- Income and Economic Freedom
- Life Expectancies, Intl Comparisons
- New York Rental Prices
- Philadelphia Rental Prices
- Private vs. Public Airline Performance (Australia) (big)
- San Francisco Rental Prices (big)
- Social Security, Lifetime Returns on Investment
- Type I vs. Type II Errors
- Unionization in Government
- US Defense Spending, 1991-2001
- US Non-Defense Spending, 1991-2001
- War on Poverty Costs, comparison
- Workers Unionized, 1983-1999
- Federal Tax Receipts by Source, 1934-2003 (big)
- GDP and Federal Spending, 1900-1930
- GDP and Federal Spending, 1925-1941
- GDP and Federal Spending, 1940-1966 (big)
- GDP and Federal Spending, 1962-1984
- GDP, Federal Spending and Public Debt, 1981-2003
- Real GDP and Federal Spending, 1940-1966 (big)
- GDP per Capita and Proportionl Federal Spending, 1962-2003 (big)
- Government Employees, 1969-2003 (big)
- Total Population and Government Size, 1969-2003 (big)
- NAFTA and Unemployment
- NAFTA and Employment
- Nafta and GDP
- Real GDP, 1800-1820
- Total Employment in Metals production, 2000-2005
- Unemployment Rate, 2000-2004, Seasonally adjusted
- Construction Jobs, 2000-2004
- Trade Balance and Jobs, 1939-2007
- GDP and Government Spending, 1910-2003 (big)
- Largest Companies, China, France, Germany (big)
- Largest Companies in Holland, Italy, Switzerland (big)
- Largest Companies in Japan and the UK (big)
- Largest Companies in the US (big)
- Baseline: 1981 vs. 2009
- Quarterly Real GDP, 2000-2004 (Chained 2000 dollars)
- Government Portion of OECD Economies
- Freedom Index 2005, Selected Countries