Study Buddy

About Study Buddy

Study Buddy's goal is to help you understand the founding principles for the United States political and economic system.

Use Study Buddy to get information that can be used to do your homework on Economics and Political Science. We have connections to some websites that can provide you with information that even your teacher may not be aware of.

We have divided the site into the following categories:

Start here if just want to browse around and are not looking for anything specific.

Stossel in the Classroom
If you have watched any of the Stossel Videos, and are looking for more information, this is the place to start.

Charts and Tables
Here we provided some data you can use in your research, or peruse for interest only. Some of the tables refer to topics elsewhere.

If you are looking for a fun and quick way to learn about some concepts, check out the games section.


We would love to hear from you. If you are a teacher or student, please use our feedback form. If you have any comments above the site design, such as colors or navigation, please email the webmaster. If you have comments on the actual content, such as specific topics or spelling errors, please email the editor.

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